Our former breedingmares in Finnland
16/07/15 13:15 Filed in: Sold-Horses
Last winter we sold two of our breeding mares to Finnland. That where Gloria f.Glóru & Vaka f.Hólabaki. Anki,Freja & Family got them with foals over and now they have some beautiful offspring out of them. Vaka got mare foal out of Hersir f.Lambanesi and Gloria got stallion foal with Sólon f.Skáney.
VAka f.Hólabaki with her newborn mare foal in Finnland
Gloria f.Glóru with her newborn stallion foal in Finnland
VAka f.Hólabaki with her newborn mare foal in Finnland
Gloria f.Glóru with her newborn stallion foal in Finnland