Sporthestar do take horses in for training. The trainers at Sporthestar are graduated from the trainer association (FT) and/or educated from the Icelandic Equestrian College in Hólar. Each horse is trained individually with horse friendly training methods.
We take in horses for advanced training
Áframhaldandi vinna með hest fer eftir því hvort verið sé að stefna með hrossið á kynbótasýningu að vori, keppni og/eða til að eiga góðan og þjálan útreiðarhest. Áframhaldandi þjálfun felst í vinnu við að bæta og samhæfa skilning fyrir ábendingum knapans. Bæta gangtegundir og auka lið- og léttleika hestsins.
We take in youngsters and work on respect, trust, teach them to be caught, being lead. With older we do more advanced work.
Í fortamningarferlinu eru hross á aldrinum 1-4 vetra undirbúin undir áframhaldandi tamningu. Unnið er með að hrossið öðlist virðingu og traust gagnvart manninum, læri að teymast og hægt sé að taka upp fætur. Því eldra sem hrossið er því meira bætist við í námsferlinu.
We brake in young horses.
Í frumtamningarferlinu er haldið áfram að vinna í að traust og virðing sé milli manns og hests. Hestur er vanin á að bera hnakk, beisli, teymdur, sest í hnakkk, járnaður og riðið. Hversu hratt hestur lærir fer eftir einstaklingnum hverju sinni sem og hefur áhrif hvort hestur hefur eitthvað verið meðhöndlaður eða ekki.
We have space for 30 horses inside our stable in Garðshorn á Þelamörk. Mostly one horse in each box so each horse can have exactly what he needs and will not get bothered from other horse by eating or relaxing.
Stallionboxes in Garðshorni á Þelamörk
Ágústínus f.Melaleiti and Agnar in Sportcompetition in Búðardal.
We had Ágústínus in training for two years for Villi Svans, Ágústínus breeder. Ágústínus got very high score in breedingshow and in sport and is the highest judged Kolfinnsson allover. Ágústínus got 8,93 for gaits with Agnar. Ágústínus willingness was easy going to beginn with and got more with more training. He got great notes when he was showed for breeding. He got 9,5 for trot, 9 for pace and gallop and 9,5 for spirit. What judges wrote down about him was for example: good speed, good suspension, sure, high action, eager, enthusiastic, cooperative, good head carriage and big movements. We used Ágústínus on our breedingmares and have already recieved good horse from him.
Vissa f.Lambanesi and Birna on breedingshow in Landsmót
This mare is very special for us. She was very easy to ride and train and did evreything you wanted. Step by step she got more strength and more came. We did not have high expactation, what is always good. That is the reason she suprised us all with her super gaits and super charakter. Such amazing horse. She ended up to be the highest 4 year old mare for gaits 2011. Some people said that she should have had more for pace, but she got 9 for pace and 9 for charakter. We are very happy about to be able to breed, train and show such a horse. It is always a matter of right time, wether, mood and.... evrything has to fit together so that such young horses can do such things that she did this summer. Vissa got the not 8,31 for ridingabilities. Have a look at the video of Vissa !!
Nótt f. Ósi and Agnar on LM2012.
Nótt came to us when she was three year old turning four. She showed always in the herd that she was very proud and went on with big and strong steps while she was running free with the traininghorses, acted like a big proud queen. Nótt was not ready to go for breedingshow when she was four but year after she got 1.prise and the note 9 for tölt and spirit. Judges notes about her where; Good speed, clear beat, high action, eager, enthusiastic, big movements and cooperative.
Hrói f.Flekkudal and Birna on LM2012.
Hrói was very talented young horse with good strong gaits and eager to work forwards. Hrói got very even and high notes for all gaits. He got 8,5 for tölt, trot, gallop, spirit, general impression and slow tölt. Altogether he got 8,30 for ridden abilities and before landsmót he and another four year old stallion where the highest ones for gaits in group of four year old stallions.
Hrói ended up to be one of 10 best 4 year old stallions on LM2012.
Kiljan f.Steinnesi and Agnar on LM2008
Kiljan came to us when he was three years old turning four. He was such a easy going horse that got better with every day. At landsmót he ended up to be in second place in group of four year old stallions. Great horse with great charakter!! Kiljan got 8,60 for gaits only four years old and got for example 8,5 for tölt, gallop, spirit, general impression and canter and the note 9 for trot and pace.
Kraftur got the highest average score that a 4 year old stallion had ever got at that time worldwide. He got for gaits 8,48 when Agnar showed him in Kópavogur. He got 8,5 for trot, pace, gallop, general impression and walk and 9 for spirit. Judges notes where; high action, good suspension, eager, enthusiastic and cooperative.
Hylling f.Flekkudal 5year old in A-finals on the Icelandic Championship.
Hylling got 1.prise and went to landsmót 2008. When she was supposed to go home to Flekkudalur for a brake Birna took her to íslandsmót. Hylling was very young but talented and made it to the A-finals on that icelandic championship. Her best was the flying pace, tölt and her great charakter.
Dofri came to us when he was three years old. big and good looking horse. His training went well over the wintertime and he got 1.prise for both riding abilities and conformation. For riding abilities he got 8,5 for tölt, trot, gallop, spirit and general impression. Total score for rideability was 8,26. On the biggest breedingshow that year Dofri was in second place.
Hrói & Birna getting awards for beeing among the highest 10 in group of 4 year old stallion
Leiftri f.Lundum and Birna on a competition in Akranes.
Beautiful big horse with Hrafn´s f.Holtsmúla blood behind. Leiftri has 8,57 for building, 9,5 for head and 9 for neck,withers,shoulders and proportions.
Aragon f.Lambanesi and Agnar on breedingshow in Hvammstangi.
Aragon got 8,14 for gaits when he was showed 4 years old. Aragon is a horse with much potential.
Röskur f.Lambanesi and Birna on competition in Mosfellsbæ.
Röskur was such a funny charakter and got better and better all the time. He came to the A-finals on the icelandic championship 2011 and in middelfinals in landsmót same year. He had many other good records in competitions and was very often the winner. He started to compete in landsmót very young or only five years old. Röskur is now in Finnland having a great time with Freja, Anki & family.
Hrímnir f.Ósi and Agnar on a breedingshow in Miðfossar.
Hrímnir came to us when he was three years old turning four. He showed very nice movements to begin with and was coperative to work. After the tölt was opened he had good tölt and enough of it. Hrímnir got 8,49 for gaits as a fourgaited horse when he was five years old. 9 for gallop, temprament, form under rider and 9,5 for tölt and trot.
Frægur f.Flekkudal in Sport competition in Mosfellsbæ.
Birna started with Frægur when he was three years old. He was not ready to go to show right away that year. Later on Frægur got back in training to us and got 1.prise for breeding and good sucess as a competitionhorse with both Agnar & Birna
Agnar showed Elva when she was younger, where she got 1.prise for breeding. Later on she came to us in training and won both tölt and gæðingakeppni competition in the main winter competition here in the west. She got for example 9 for tölt in gæðingakeppni.
Glymur f. Innri-Skeljabrekku and Agnar on Landsmót.
Agnar rode Glymur in fjórðungsmót in the west in very bad weather and nobody expected that he would make world record then. He got the highest score that a four year old stallion have ever made. Horse with that color and those great gaits was something very special. Still today (2012) none four year old stallion has got as high score as Glymur got when he was showed four years old.
Glymur got 8,65 for gaits. He got the note 9 for tölt and trot and 8,5 for pace,temprament and form under rider.
Hilda f.Bjarnarhöfn and Agnar in Breedingshow in Miðfossar
Hilda came to us when she was three years old. She was a good horse that just came better and better with more strength. She got to landsmót in group of four year old mares and got the averagenote 8,25. Later on Hilda got trained again and recieved 8,60 for gaits, thereof she got 9 for pace and temprament.
Eitill f.Leysingjastöðum and Birna in sport competition in Mosfellsbæ.
Eitill was Birna´s competion horse. He was such a big and great charakter. Eitill was always best when you took him out on a tour or you where having fun with friends. He had much expression and was a great horse to work with.
Eldfari f.Stóru-Ásgeirsá and Agnar on breedingshow in Miðfossar
Eldfari came to training 3 years old turning four. This horse was sensitive, awake with much potential. He soon started to show much potential for good gaits and speed for such a young horse. Agnar showed him four years old where he got 1.prise. For gaits he got 8,30, therefrom he got for example 8,5 for tölt, pace, canter and 9 for temprament.
Lind f.Hofi on a competition in Akureyri
A horse with a great willingness and great pace.
Svikahrappur f.Borganesi and Agnar on Landsmót
Svikahrappur is owned from the same owners as own Glymur f.Innri Skeljabrekku, Gunni and Finnur. Svikahrappur is a son of Glymur. The story about the name is a bit funny. Gunni the owner putted a pinto mare that is Svikahrappur´s mom together with Glymur and wanted to have silverdapple pinto mare. But.... what out of it came was this black stallion. The meaning of svikahrappur is that he is a cheater, because he cheated on color and of a gender. But he did not cheat on the gaits and was in landsmót in group of 4year old stallions and again one year later in group of five year old stallions. He is a 1.prise stallion and got 8,35 for gaits when he was five years old.
Funi is a fourgaited stallion wtih big strides and good looking figure.
He got 1.prise in breeding and got for example 9 for canter, proportions and form under rider with the description from judges good carrying, much movements, good suspension, high action and clear beat
Þengill f.Kjarri and Birna on stallionshow on ice in Akureyri
One of a favorite horse...Birna went with Þengill to the 3rd. year in Hólar (ridingteacherlevel). He did very well there and also on the competition she went on with him. In the beginning of the winter he one morning was very strange. To make a long story short he had worms in his head what is very rare. A mare kicked teeth out of him out on the fields and sometime after that worms from the ground got up to his head. So he had to be put down to early...
Bjössi á Hólabaki brought to us this great mare when she was three year old turning four. Heiðdís f. Hólabaki is offspring of Rökkvi f.Hárlaugsstöðum. She was showed 4 years old and went well as a fourgaited horse. When she was 5 years old she came back in training and with more strength and training she recieved great notes. She got 8,17 for gaits as fourgaited horse and 8,24 for building. She recieved the note 9 for tölt, gallop, spirit and general impression.
Haukur-Freyr f.Höfnum on a sportcompetititon in Akureyri.
Tjaldur f.Steinnesi and Agnar in breedingshow on landsmót.
Tjaldur is a stallion that got 1.prise for breeding. He is big, strong and good looking horse with nice color.
Erla in competition in Miðfossar.
Erla f. Reykjavík was Birna´s competitionhorse over some time and did very well. Erla had much energy, big strides in trot and good beat in tölt.
Brá f.Lundum and Birna on competition in Akranes.
Brá had nice charakter and attitude to work with, great pace and fun horse.
Njörður f. Útnyrðingsstöðum and Agnar on competition in Kaldármelar.
1.prise stallion with much willingness
More pictures with some nice horses are in the computer, so maybe when there is more time I´ll put some more in here and their stories ;)
If you want to know more about us have a look under the link About us
If you are intrested to get you´re horse into training at our location feel welcome to have a contact
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