If you are interested that I come and make a course at your location you can contact me and I´ll gladly find some time.
You can take a lesson with some of our horses or bring you´re own. We also travel around to other countries and teach people at their location.
Certified trainer/instructure from Hólar college in Iceland
Gives clinics throughout the US and Europe
Icelandic FT trainer (Icelandic horse trainer association)
Taking in horses for training
Liceced B trainer with the German Federation and certified riding instructor (FN)
Bjóðum upp á reiðkennslu bæði heimavið og á þeim stað sem óskað er eftir kennslu.
Pictures from ridingclinics in Iceland
Working with the horse from the ground
Practicing the balance
Practicing to go right on a horse without a girth..
Pictures from ridingcourse at the horsefarm Söðulsholt where Birna has been teaching knapamerkjakerfið.
Knapamerkjakerfið er stigaskipt nám og er aldurstakmark til að þreyta próf í náminu 12 ára. Knapamerkjakerfið er nám í hestamennsku fyrir hinn almenna hestamann. Leiðsögn af menntuðum reiðkennara/leiðbeinanda stig af stigi í reiðmennsku. Knapamerkin eru metin til eininga hjá mörgum framhaldsskólum og í sumum þeirra sem hluti af skipulögðu námi.
Tamningar-, þjálfunar og reiðkennararéttindi frá Hólaskóla auk reiðkennararéttinda frá Þýskalandi
There are numerous possibilities to train your riding skills at our place. You can find programm that suit children, adults, beginners or advaced riders. for school groups where one
- Kennsla fyrir alla aldurshópa Teaching for all age groups
- Hópkennsla/einkatímar privat lessons and lessons in groups
- Knapamerkjanámskeið Special Icelandic teaching levels
- Frumtamningarnámskeið Young horse training lessons
- Ásetuæfingar Seat corrections- balance practise
- Konu/kalla/paranámskeið women/mans/couple courses
- Barna/unglinga námskeið Courses for children/teenager
- Bóklegir/Verklegir tímar(video upptaka) Theory and praxis lessons with videotaping
- Boðið upp á reiðkennslu eftir séróskum Ridinglessons after special wisches
- Leiðréttingarvinna + reiðtími Correction of the horse and ridinglesson
- Töltþjálfun Tölttraining
- Uppbygging á keppnishesti How to build up competitionhorse
- Fimiþjálfun/mýkjandi og styrkjandi æfingar Classical dressage exercises
- Vinna við hendi/vinna með tvöfaldan taum Work from the ground and working with two rains
- Að auka sjálfstraust knapa Develop better confidence as a rider
- Þjálfun hóps fyrir sýningar Training groups for shows
- Og fl..... and more....
Birna lived in Germany for alltogether two years so she speaks German fluently. There she took her trainer/teacher liecenced trainer-B for gaited horses.
In Germany she got the opportunitie to work with many types of horsebreed so she allso have experience with other breeds then Icelandic horses. She also lived in USA for a half a year so speaks english fluently to.
She is educated ridingteacher from Hólar and member in the Icelandic trainer association (FT) and has been working with horses on diffrent farms and now last years on her own farm.
She has been competing and showing horses for breedingshows with good results. For example;
- 2011 she showed the highest 4 year old mare for gaits
- 2012 she was with a 4 year old stallion within the highest 10 in landsmót
- She was in A-finals with Röskur on the Icelandic championship in fivegait 2011
- She was in A-finals in fivegait on Icelandic championship with Hylling and so on....
- Highest score for gaits with a four year old stallion (Glymur f. Innri-Skeljabrekku)
- One of the highest score with a fourgaited fivegaited stallion (Hrímnir f.Ósi)
- The highest average score four year old stallion (Kraftur f.Efri Þverá)
- Trained and showed some of the highest scored stallions (Ágústínus f.Melaleiti and Kiljan f.Steinnesi).
Agnar has been taining and teaching in Sweden and Danmark as well and speaks Danish fluently. 2003 Agnar was ridingteacher and teached horsemanship in the Agriculturschool in Hvanneyri.
Under the link service and their under the link horsetraining you can find more pictures of some horses that Birna & Agnar have had in training. Have a look!
Horses for sale |
Geldings |
Mares |
Stallions |
Young horses |
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Border Collie |
Verktakavinna |
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