Birna lived in Germany for alltogether two years and speaks German. There she took her IGV trainer B liecence for gaited horses.
In Germany she got the opportunitie to work with many types of horsebreed so she also have experience with other breeds then Icelandic horses. She also lived in USA for a half a year and speaks english to. She has been working with horses on diffrent farms and now last years on her own farm. She has been giving ridinglessons and courses both in Iceland and other countries last years, if you are intrested to line up a ridingcourse in your area or at our location you can contact Birna for further information.
Certified trainer/instructure from Hólar college in Iceland
Gives clinics throughout the US and Europe
Icelandic FT trainer (Icelandic horse trainer association)
Taking in horses for training
Liceced B trainer with the German Federation and certified riding instructor (FN)
She has been competing and showing horses for breedingshows with good results. For example;
- 2011 she showed the highest 4 year old mare for gaits
- 2012 she showed a 4 year old stallion that ended up with top 10 4 year old stallions in LM
- 2011 she was in A-finals with Röskur on the Icelandic championship in fivegait
- She was in A-finals in fivegait on Icelandic championship with Hylling and..
2011 Birna showed the highest 4 year old mare for gaits.
2012 she showed a stallion that was within the 10 highest stallions in group of four year old.
Hylling and Birna in A-finals on the Icelandic Championship
Birna er fædd 1979 og alin upp á Ísafirði. Hún hefur unnið við hin ýmsu störf í gegnum tíðina m.a. við tamningar, þjálfun og kennslu á Íslandi, Þýskalandi, Bandaríkjunum og Danmörku. Birna er búfræðingur og reiðkennari frá Hólaskóla ( , félagi í félagi tamningamanna ( og alþjóðlegur ganghestareiðkennari B frá Þýskalandi ( Birna hefur unnið sem reiðkennari fyrir hestamannafélög bæði hérlendis og erlendis og hefur stundað Bs nám meðfram vinnu við Landbúnaðarháskóla Íslands sem hún lauk vorið 2012. Lokaverkefni hennar við skólann er að greina markaðsumhverfi íslenskra hrossabúa. Meðal þeirra hrossaræktarbúa sem Birna hefur unnið á má nefna Flekkudal, Kílhraun, Votmúli, Steinnes, Þingeyrar, Gut Ellenbach, Gangpferdezentrum Aegiedenberg, Gestut Kreiswald og ICEhorseUSA.
Have a look at more pictures & infos under the links Ridinglessons and courses and Horsetraining
Birna Tryggvadóttir Thorlacius
Mobile phone: +354 699 6116
Feel welcome to get in touch for further information
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