Here below you can see some example of our breeding
Our breeding goal is clear beated "gæðingur" Good looking horse with strong legs, good charakter, good willingness ......
Sveifla f.Lambanesi. Our main breedingmare. Most of our horses are offspring from Sveifla or Sveifla´s daughters.
Horses from our breeding that where participating on landsmót 2016. Garún, Sirkus, Hersir and Laxnes. Photo: Guðrún Hulda Pálsdóttir Sirkus, the youngest one was the highest judged 4 year old horse on Landsmót & Hersir & Laxnes came to the finals. All those horses are out of Sveifla except Hersir, Hersir is out of Sveifla´s daughter, Elding.
Sirkus f. Garðshorni á Þelamörk. Getting awards for being the highest judge 4 year old stallion on landsmót in Hólar 2016.
Here below you can see video of the highest judged horse from our breeding. Sirkus f. Garðshorni á Þelamörk.
Landsmótswinner in group of 4 year old stallions 2016.
8,71 for riding abilities 4 years old. Very talented horse with strong and good breeding line.
Recieved the note 9,5 for spirit & 9 for tölt four years old. Sirkus got the second highest note for riding abilities that a 4 year old stallion has ever gotten since Icelandic horses has been started to be judged for breeding.
M: Sveifla f. Lambanesi. Gives horses with high movements, good speed, gaits & spirit. Offspring out of her have been among the best in both breeding- and competitions. Sveifla herself has given seven 1.prize horses and many horses out of her are doing great as well.
F: Fáfnir f. Hvolsvelli, 1.prize for conformation & riding abilities. Fáfnir got 9 for neck, tölt, trot, temperament, form under rider (ae: 8,31). Fáfnir is out of honor prize stallion and has showed that he is giving his good conformation & riding abilities further to his offspring. From those five 4 year old horses that where showed from Garðshorn á Þelamörk out of Fáfnir 2016 was the average score for conformation 8,36 & average score for riding abilities 8.
Landsmótssigurvegari í flokki 4.vetra stóðhesta árið 2016.
8,71 fyrir hæfileika 4.vetra gamall. Hlaut m.a. einkunina 9,5 fyrir vilja og geðslag sem er hæsta einkun sem einungis fáir 4.vetra hestar hafa hlotið fyrir þann eiginleika. Sirkus er annar hæst dæmdi 4.vetra hestur fyrir hæfileika í heiminum í dag með
Góður og hæfileikaríkur einstaklingur með sterkar, góðar og áhugaverðar ættir á bakvið sig.
M: Sveifla f.Lambanesi, arfsterk á fótaburð, rými, gangmikil, geðgóð og dugleg hross. Afkomendur út af henni hafa raðað sér í fremstu röð kynbóta- og keppnishrossa. Sveifla hefur gefið af sér sjö 1.verðlauna hross og útaf henni hafa komið enn fleiri.
F: Fáfnir f.Hvolsvelli, 1.verðlaun fyrir byggingu og hæfileika. Fáfnir hlaut m.a. 9 fyrir háls, tölt, brokk, vilja og geðslag og fegurð í reið (Ae. 8,31). Fáfnir er út af heiðursverðlauna hesti og hefur sýnt fram á að hann er arfsterkur á bæði góða byggingu og hæfileika. Af þeim fimm 4.vetra tryppum sem sýnd voru frá Garðshorni á Þelamörk undan Fáfni í vor var meðaleinkun byggingar 8,36 og meðaleinkunn hæfileika 8.
Sirkus showed on a early stage his natural talent and ability to get far as a young stallion. this picture is taken when Sirkus was 3 years old after only two months of training.
Have a look at some ARTICLES that have been written in newspapers about our breeding and/or our service
This picture describes Sirkus character better then 100 words ;)
One of the thing that many offspring out of Sveifla receive is great character and spirit. Sirkus is one of them that got that nice character and on the breeding show Sirkus got the note 9,5 for Spirit.
Garún f.Garðshorni á Þelamörk, (4 year old) daughter of Sveifla f.Lambanesi & Dofri f.Steinnesi.
Garún got 1prize for both building and gaits and got the highest note for temperament what was the note 9.
She got 8,25 for gaits, 8,04 for conformation, in total; 8,16. Garún is daughter of Dofri fSteinnes Breeding Farm that we had in training and showed 3 years ago.
Garún f.Garðshorni á Þelamörk efst í fl. 4v.hryssna ;)
Hún fer nú í hest og gefur okkur vonandi glæsta gæðinga eins og móðir hennar Sveifla f.Lambanesi hefur gert í gegnum tíðina.
Garún f.Garðshorni, Þelamörk on Breedingshow 4 years old
Hersir f.Lambanesi, 5 years old.
Hersir frá Lambanesi - 8,85 for gaits, 8,15 for conformation, total: 8,57 5 years old. 9,5 for tölt and temprament and 9 for form under rider. Hersir was the highest one 2013 in group of 4 year old stallions. He got then the highest score for gaits that a 4 year old stallion had then ever done. This year two other stallions out of the same bloodline (sveifla f.Lambanesi) did very well. that where the stallions Laxnes f. Lambanesi and Aragon f. Lambanesi. Laxnes got 8,42 for gaits (9 for pace). Aragon got 8,55 for gaits (9,5 for pace and 9 for temprament.) All together they have the average score for gaits: 8,60
Hersir´s mother, Elding f.Lambanesi is a 1.prise mare, daughter of Sveifla f.Lambanesi. One daughter of Elding (Vissa f.Lambanesi) was also the highest one for gaits in group of 4 year old mares in Landsmót 2011. She got 8,31 for gaits, 9 for pace and temprament.
Video of Hersir Taken when he was on Breedingshow - 5years old.
Our young Stallions having fun
Young stallion prospects - Most of them out of our breeding -
stallions from yearling to five year old stallions
Vissa f.Lambanesi, daughter of Elding f.Lambanesi, one of Sveifla´s daughters..
Vissa has already have three foals and is only 8 years old. The youngest one will be started now and starts well and is easy going like her mom. Vissa will get foal with Jarl f.Höskuldsstöðum next summer(2016) so she is already resting out on the fields again after a short period of training over the winter.
Facebookblogg, Summer 2015:
Two days before one of the shows we decided to show one of our breeding mare that did not get foal last summer for some reason.
The meaning of the name Vissa is when you are sure of something, like sure she will be good or do something. Vissa has had three foals since she was showed 4 years old so she was pretty quick in getting into shape again. Vissa did well and went from total score 8,06 to 8,27. For gaits she went from having 8,31 four years old to 8,54. We are very satisfied of our decision to bring her to breeding show and show her again.
Vissa competing for the first time in A-flokkur
Eveningshow with Hersir f.Lambanesi, Vissa f.Lambanesi and the little baby (Garún f.Garðshorni á Þelamörk) only short time under the saddle followed at the end..
Vissa got 1.prise and was the highest judged 4 year old mare for gaits 2011. She got for example 9 for pace and temprament, altogether 8,31 for gaits only 4 year old.
Have a look at her on the video here below. The video is taken of her when she was 4year old.
Vissa got 9 for pace & temprament on her first breedingshow when she was showed 4 year old.
Hersir f.Lambanesi - Big horses need big names that fits them well.
Meaning of his name;
A Hersir was a local Viking military commander of a hundred (a county subdivision) and owed allegiance to a jarl or king.
They were also aspiring landowners, and, like the middle class in many feudal societies, supported the kings in their centralization of power.
Hersir -)) herforingi.
Hersir f.Lambanesi, 2.year old.
Laxnes f.Lambanesi - 2.year old.
Laxness was a twentieth-century Icelandic writer. Throughout his career he wrote poetry, newspaper articles, plays, travelogues, short stories, and novels.
Major influences on his writing include August Strindberg, Sigmund Freud, Sinclair Lewis, Upton Sinclair, Bertolt Brecht and Ernest Hemingway.[1] Laxnes received the 1955 Nobel Prize in Literature, and is the only Icelandic Nobel laureate.
Hersir f.Lambanesi, on FM2013 in group of 4year old stallions.
Laxnes f.Lambanesi, on FM2013 in group of 4year old stallions.
Elding f.Lambanesi with one of her offspring
Djásn f.Lambanesi, 5.year old. Daughter of Elding f.Lambanesi & Dynur f.Hvammi
1 & 3 place on Fjórðungsmót á Vesturlandi. Hersir & Laxnes f.Lambanesi
Laxnes got 8,32 for gaits & 1.prise 4year old. He got for example 8,5 for tölt, pace, temprament and walk & he got 9 for conformation.
Laxnes Bloodline:
M: Sveifla f.Lambanesi - 5 of Sveifla´s offspring have become 1.prise.
Sveifla´s offspring has been proven themselves to be high stepping, elegant show and riding horses with good gaits and great charakter and temprament.
F: Kiljan f.Steinnesi (8,74).
Ff: Klettur f.Hvammi (8,49)
Fm: Kylja f.Steinnesi (8,17)
Laxnes f. Lambanesi is fivegaited stallion with good movements, high action and good temprament. Laxnes has ery even gaits and got 8,5 for tölt, pace, temprament and walk. Laxnes is light builted with long legs and cylinrical body with the note 9 for proportions.
Hersir f. Lambanesi, the highest judged 4year old stallion for gaits worldwide. Picture taken of him on FM2013 in group of 4 year old stallions.
M: Elding f.Lambanesi (1.prise). Vissa f.Lambanesi is one of Elding´s offspring, Vissa was the highest one for gaits in group of four year old mares 2011 with the note 8,31.
F: Forseti f.Vorsabæ 2 (8,58). The highest son of Hrafn f. Holtsmúla.
Hersir is fivegaited stallion with good movements and high action. He has stable and cooperative temperament and 1.prise for both building and gaits when he was showed in group of 4 year old stallions & ended up to be the highest one in the world for gaits in group of four year old stallion.
Hersir was the highest judged 4 year old stallion on the breedingshow in Hafnafjörður. He got for example 9 for tölt, back and croup and 8,5 for temprament, form under rider and proportions. Then he was showed again few weeks later and got to be the highest one in the world for gaits in group of 4.year old stallions.
Hersir is good looking horse with long legs, clylindrical body, well raised nech, high withers and strong and muscled back.
Hersir got for example 9 for tölt & temprament, 8,5 for trot, pace & form under rider. For gaits he got the note 8,63.
Höll f.Lambanesi,
Good looking promising fivegaited mare. Daughter of Ágústínus f.Melaleiti. She got for example the note 9 for neck. picture of her on a breedingshow 4 year old.
Vissa f.Lambanesi first offspring. Good looking stallion, good movements and great charakter.
Röskur f.Lambanesi is a son of Gáta f.Lambanesi, Sveifla´s daughter.
F:Illingur f.Tóftum (1.prise) M:Gáta f.Lambanesi (1.prise).
Röskur made good records in competitions and was very often the winner. He started to compete in landsmót very young or only five years old. Röskur is now in Finnland having a great time with Freja, Anki & family. He was for example in A-finals on the icelandic championship 2011 and in middelfinals in landsmót same year.
Röskur f.Lambanesi. Son of Illingur f.Tóftum and Gáta f.Lambanesi daughter of Sveifla f.Lambanesi
Angatýr frá Lambanesi
F: Adam f. Ásmundastöðum
M: Sveifla f.Lambanesi
Angatýr got 8,31 for gaits. 9 for walk. 8,5 for tölt, pace, temprament and slow tölt.
Aragon f.Lambanesi, born 2008
F: Ágústínus f.Melaleiti (1.prise) M: Sveifla f.Lambanesi
Video of Aragon
Aragon has already achieved 1.prise for gaits 4 year old. for gaits he got the note 8,14. He got 8,5 for tölt, temprament and walk. Aragon has good movements, good speed, big steps and forward going temprament.
Sveifla hefur gefið mjög góð hross. 4 af afkvæmum hennar eru búin að fara í dóm og fóru 3 í 1verðlaun. hin tvö fóru í 1.verðlaun fyrir hæfileika, annað af þeim var hryssa sem fór í dóm 4vetra og fékk í 1verðl. Fyrir hæfileika, þar af 9 fyrir tölt og vilja.
Sveifla hefur verið að sanna að hún er að gefa góð hross með gott og skemmtilegt geðslag og henta hrossin einnig vel sem keppnishross.
Two year old fullsister of Aragon f.Lambanesi
Foals from Lambanesi
Grótta f.Lambanesi, One of Sveifla´s daughter
Dreitill f.Lambanesi, son of Elding f.Lambanesi, Sveifla´s daughter
Vífill f.Lambanesi is a son of Elding f. Lambanesi and Dynur f.Hvammi
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