Höfðingi f.Garðshorni á Þelamörk, born 2012
Good looking stallion that scored 1.prize 4 year old after a short time of training.
Interesting future project. Big(1.44) with good movements.
Preiscatagorie: G
Höfðingi is getting better with more strength & training ;) This is how he looks today...
IS2012164067 Höfðingi frá Garðshorni á Þelamörk |
Höfðingi on his first breeding show 4 years old.
Both parents are good looking and have natural high movements. The black horse above is Mardöll Höfðingi´s mother and the chestnut one is Fáfnir, his father.
Pictures of höfðingi´s mother, Mardöll when she was in training 4 years old. Mardöll has big and strong gaits and forward thinking temperament and received 1.prize 4years old
Fáfnir f.Hvolsvelli
Höfðingi f.Garðshorni á Þelamörk
Baldur f. Akureyri - 1.prise
son of Bragi f.Kópavogi (1.pr.) and Elding f.Blönduósi (1.pr)
Baldur er með hreinar og jafnar gangtegundir með keppnisreynslu. Baldur hentar fyrir breiðan hóp knapa, er alhliða hestur en þjálfaður undanfarið og keppt á honum sem klárhestur. Baldur er ljúfur í umgengni og í reið með meðfæranlegan vilja.
Preiscatogorie: G
Baldur´s mother Elding f.Blönduósi is a 1.prise mare with 8,35 for gaits there of 9,5 for trot and temperament and 9 for form under rider.
Örmerki: 352098100027794
Litur: 3500 Jarpur/milli- einlitt
Ræktandi: Páll Hjálmarsson
Eigandi: Agnar Þór Magnússon, Páll Hjálmarsson
F.: IS2000125300 Bragi frá Kópavogi
Ff.: IS1986186020 Geysir frá Gerðum
Fm.: IS1983210001 Álfadís frá Kópavogi
M.: IS1998256457 Elding frá Blönduósi
Mf.: IS1994157349 Bruni frá Hafsteinsstöðum
Mm.: IS1976256457 Blanda frá Blönduósi
Mál (cm): 142 - 130 - 135 - 63 - 139 - 36 - 45 - 40 - 6,6 - 29,0 - 17,5
Hófa mál: V.fr.: 8,4 - V.a.: 8,9
Sköpulag: 7,5 - 8,0 - 8,5 - 8,5 - 7,5 - 8,0 - 8,0 - 8,0 = 8,02
Hæfileikar: 8,5 - 8,0 - 8,0 - 8,5 - 8,5 - 8,0 - 8,0 = 8,24
Aðaleinkunn: 8,15
Hægt tölt: 8,0 Hægt stökk: 8,0
Sýnandi: Agnar Þór Magnússon
Þjálfari: Birna Tryggvadóttir Thorlacius
Akur f.Kagaðarhóli,
Akur got 8,90 for riding abilities there of four times the note 9. He got the note 8,24 for conformation & 8,63 in total.
Akur is at this point the highest judged 6 year old stallion for gaits from those one that have been judged 2016. Akur got for example 9 for tölt, trot, pace, spirit and form under rider. Akur is out of the 1.pr. horse for offspring Arður f.Brautarholti and the 1.prize daughter of Oddur f.Selfossi Dalla f.Ási 2. Akur is good looking horse, has clear and big gaits and beautiful color.
Preiscatogorie: H
Good looking stallion with Great color, Big and Strong gaits & movements with 1.prize for both conformation and gaits
5) IS2010156416 Akur frá Kagaðarhóli |
Gorgeir has good potential to be a future fivegaited competition horse. Here on this picture Gorgeir is 4 year old and second time away from home.
Gorgeir f. Garðshorn á Þelamörk. Gorgeir received good judgement already 4 year old and got for example for 8,47 for conformation. Gorgeir has nice movements and good potential as future fivegaited competition prospect. He has very easy going character and the gaits developed well and showed that he is a interesting one to work with further.
IS2012164066 Gorgeir frá Garðshorni á Þelamörk |
Pictures of Grímur in Februar 2016
Megas f.Gauksmýri. SOLD
1.prise stallion. Promising competition prospect with good temperament, good gaits,
movements..... Gaits: 8,49 Have a look at the video below !
Örmerki: 352098100026639
Litur: 2244 Brúnn/mó- tvístjörnótt hringeygt eða glaseygt
Ræktandi: Sigríður Lárusdóttir
Eigandi: Sporthestar ehf.
F.: IS2001135613 Glymur frá Innri-Skeljabrekku
Ff.: IS1998135614 Gaukur frá Innri-Skeljabrekku
Fm.: IS1991236230 Þyrla frá Norðtungu
M.: IS1988284131 Mylla frá Ytri-Skógum
Mf.: IS1981186122 Ljóri frá Kirkjubæ
Mm.: IS1978284264 Skyssa frá Ytri-Skógum
Mál (cm): 141 - 131 - 135 - 63 - 139 - 34 - 45 - 39 - 6,3 - 29,0 - 17,5
Hófa mál: V.fr.: 8,3 - V.a.: 7,4
Sköpulag: 7,5 - 8,5 - 8,5 - 8,5 - 7,5 - 8,0 - 8,0 - 7,5 = 8,13
Hæfileikar: 8,5 - 8,0 - 9,0 - 8,0 - 9,0 - 8,5 - 7,5 = 8,49
Aðaleinkunn: 8,35
Hægt tölt: 8,0 Hægt stökk: 8,0
Sýnandi: Agnar Þór Magnússon
Megas is easy going horse that fits wide range of riders. He has clear gaits and is very promising competition prospect that already has good notes for Breedings. His father Glymur f. Innri-Skeljabrekku have been giving good horses and some of the oldest ones have been starting in competition with good success. His mother Mylla f.Ytri-Skógum has given three 1.prize horses and is Megas the highest one of them with 1pr. for both conformation(8,18) and riding abilities(8,49) total score;8,35.
We have stallions for sale from foals and up to high judged 1.prise horses
Þróttur f. Akrakoti - Born: 2010 SOLD
1. prize stallion out of 1.prize parents with 8,33 for both conformation & riding abilities
Þróttur f.Akrakoti is good looking stallion out of Gaumur f.Auðholtshjáleigu that has been showing lately with his offspring that he is giving good competition horses.
Þróttur´s mother is Þeysa f.Akrakoti 1.prise daughter of Keilir f. Miðsitju
This stallion is a very handsome one with good expression, long neck that looks good under rider. He did well on breeding show and is a promising competition prospect. This stallion can bring good bloodline into the breeding as well as being a good future competition horse.
Stóðhestar 5 vetra
IS2010135328 Þróttur frá Akrakoti
Örmerki: 352098100027939
Litur: 6600 Bleikur/álóttur einlitt
Ræktandi: Ellert Björnsson
Eigandi: Ellert Björnsson
F.: IS2001187053 Gaumur frá Auðsholtshjáleigu
Ff.: IS1986186055 Orri frá Þúfu í Landeyjum
Fm.: IS1985225005 Hildur frá Garðabæ
M.: IS2001235328 Þeysa frá Akrakoti
Mf.: IS1994158700 Keilir frá Miðsitju
Mm.: IS1990235027 Þyrnirós frá Akranesi
Mál (cm): 147 - 135 - 140 - 67 - 147 - 37 - 47 - 40 - 6,8 - 30,0 - 18,0
Hófa mál: V.fr.: 9,0 - V.a.: 8,5
Sköpulag: 8,0 - 9,0 - 8,0 - 9,0 - 7,5 - 7,5 - 8,0 - 8,0 = 8,33
Hæfileikar: 8,5 - 8,0 - 8,5 - 7,5 - 8,5 - 8,5 - 8,0 = 8,33
Aðaleinkunn: 8,33
Hægt tölt: 8,0 Hægt stökk: 7,0
Sýnandi: Agnar Þór Magnússon
Bagall f.Melaleiti
F: Hrímnir f.Ósi M:Messa f.Melaleiti
Easy going stallion that has nice form under the rider and is soft in the mouth. Promising competition/ridinghorse prospect.
Young promising stallions
A 0 - 300.0000 ISK
B 300.000 - 600.000 ISK
C 600.000 - 1.000.000 ISK
D 800.000 - 1.500.000 ISK
E 1.000.000 - 1.500.000 ISK
F 1.500.000 - 2.000.000 ISK
G 2.000.000 - 3.500.000 ISK
H 3.500.000 + ISK
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