Welcome to our website. We are complete equestrian facility for training horses, schooling, trail riding...We are located in the north part of Iceland. We have a small inside area, roundpen, trails and the nature around here. Horses are welcome for training. We also offer ridinglessons and courses both at our location and all over the world. Please call or write for more details. We always have some nice horses for sale, young and older ones, and have been selling horses all over the world. We have been breeding horses over some time, have a look at some example of our breeding.
Three of the family members in Garðshorn á Þelamörk.
Our family counts five persons that are Agnar Þór, Birna, Karen Gígja, Ylva Sól & Dagur Snær.
Birna lived in Germany for all together two years so she speaks German fluently. There she took her trainer/teacher liecenced trainer-B for gaited horses.
In Germany she got the opportunity to work with many types of horse breed so she also have experience with other breeds then Icelandic horses. She also lived in USA for a half a year so speaks english fluently to.
She is educated riding teacher from Hólar and member in the Icelandic trainer association (FT) and has been working with horses on diffrent farms and now last years on her own farm. Birna has also been writing time to time articles for the horse magazine Eiðfaxi (Icelandic & International) She has B.Sc. - degree in Agricultural of Sciences. She has been competing and showing horses for breeding shows with good results. For example;
- 2011 she showed the highest 4 year old mare for gaits
- 2012 she was with a 4 year old stallion within the highest 10 in landsmót
- She was in A-finals with Röskur on the Icelandic championship in fivegait 2011
- She was in A-finals in fivegait on Icelandic championship with Hylling and so on....
Agnar Þór Magnússon is educated competition judge and is member in the Icelandic trainer association (FT). Agnar has been working with horses last years with good results in breedingshows. For example;
- Highest score for gaits with a four year old stallion (Glymur f. Innri-Skeljabrekku)
- One of the highest score with a fourgaited five year old stallion (Hrímnir f.Ósi)
- The highest average score four year old stallion (Kraftur f.Efri Þverá)
- Trained and showed some of the highest scored stallions (Ágústínus f.Melaleiti and Kiljan f.Steinnesi).
- Trained and showed the highest judged 4year old stallion in the world (Konsort f.Hofi)
- Many other good results with breeding & sport horses.... Hersir-highest one 2013, Eitill f.Einhamri, Laxnes f.Lambanesi & many others
Agnar has been taining and teaching in Sweden and Danmark as well and speaks Danish fluently. 2003 Agnar was ridingteacher and teached horsemanship in the Agriculturschool in Hvanneyri.
We have a small inside area, roundpen, trails and the nature around here. Horses are welcome for training.
- Take in horses to brake in and train for breedingshows, competitions or what each horse has potential for.
- Give ridinglessons for all kind of riders, from beginners to competitionriders
- Breeds; border collie dogs, horses and sheeps
- Have diffrent kind of ridingclinics
- Have breedingstallions for use
- Have horses for sale
- Under the link service and their under the link horsetraining you can find more pictures of some horses that Birna & Agnar have had in training. Have a look!
- Fyrirtækið sporthestar
- Sérhæfir sig í tamningum og þjálfun á kynbótahrossum og keppnishrossum (Sýnishorn af hrossum sem við höfum verið með í tamningu og þjálfun)
- Býður upp á reiðkennslu fyrir breiðan hóp af fólki, allt frá byrjendu í hestamennsku og upp í atvinnumenn.
- Ræktar fjárhunda, hross og sauðfé
- Býður upp á sérhæfð reiðnámskeið.
- Býður upp á ýmiskonar uppákomur m.a. sýningar með hross, smalahunda smala sauðfé og ferð í sauðfjárréttir.
- Býður upp á stóðhesta til notkunar og uppeldis.
Birna er fædd 1979 og alin upp á Ísafirði. Hún hefur unnið við hin ýmsu störf í gegnum tíðina m.a. við tamningar, þjálfun og kennslu á Íslandi, Þýskalandi, Bandaríkjunum og Danmörku. Birna er búfræðingur og reiðkennari frá Hólaskóla (www.holar.is) , félagi í félagi tamningamanna (www.tamningamenn.is) og alþjóðlegur ganghestareiðkennari B frá Þýskalandi (www.igv.de). Birna hefur unnið sem reiðkennari fyrir hestamannafélög bæði hérlendis og erlendis og hefur stundað Bs nám meðfram vinnu við Landbúnaðarháskóla Íslands sem hún lauk vorið 2012. Lokaverkefni hennar við skólann er að greina markaðsumhverfi íslenskra hrossabúa. Meðal þeirra hrossaræktarbúa sem Birna hefur unnið á má nefna Flekkudal, Kílhraun, Votmúli, Steinnes, Þingeyrar, Gut Ellenbach, Gangpferdezentrum Aegiedenberg, Gestut Kreiswald og ICEhorseUSA.
Agnar Þór Magnússon
Agnar er fæddur 1975 og er alin upp á Efri-Múla í Saurbæ vestur í dölum. Hann starfaði þar við búskap og annað sem til féll fram eftir aldri. Árið 1996 lauk hann námi sem húsasmiður frá iðnskólanum í Reykjavík. Eftir það vann hann við bygginga- og trésmíðavinnu ásamt því að stunda hestamennsku. Agnar hefur unnið við hin ýmsu störf m.a. sem reiðkennari við bændaskólann á Hvanneyri árið 2003. Er félagi í Félagi tamningamanna og virkur gæðingadómari hjá Gæðingadómarafélagi Íslands. Agnar hefur starfað við kennslu, tamningar og þjálfun hér á landi, Svíðjóð og Danmörku með góðum árangri. Auk þess hefur hann síðastliðin ár séð um sauðfjársmölun fyrir Borgarbyggð og Skógræktina með fjárhundum sínum. Meðal þeirra hrossaræktarbúa sem Agnar hefur unnið á má nefna Holtsmúla, Stutteri Ahl og Väbylund s Islandshästar.
Nánari upplýsingar um Birnu Tryggvdóttur og Agnar Þór Magnússon
Systurnar Karen Gígja og Ylva Sól
Sporthestar ehf
Birna Tryggvadóttir: +354-699 6116
Agnar Þór Magnússon: +354-899 8886
Garðshorn á Þelamörk, 601 Akureyri
Kt: 540607-1330
Our farm is in northpart of Iceland. We have horseboxes for 30 horses, small inside arena, roundpen and........
Horses for sale |
Geldings |
Mares |
Stallions |
Young horses |
Sold horses |
Horsetraining |
Pictures & infos |
Other service |
Riding tours |
Border Collie |
Verktakavinna |
Skiptimarkaður |
Riding lessons |
Lessons & courses |
About us |