Victoria´s experience
Do you want to come to Iceland & work at a horsefarm this winter ?? or do you know about someone???
Then we are looking for a person for this winter. We need someone for the stable, help at home and aupair.
Please SHARE this and make a LIKE to our new facebookpage
Intrested???? Send us email or call for further information...
Intresting for someone that like to get more experience with Icelandic horses & also likes to take care of kids. The main time is the work in the stables.
Take a look at our new page on facebook!!!! and please make LIKE to the mainpage of our new facebookpage and help us finding someone for the winter by making SHARE to the Post that is posted on our facebooksite that we are looking for a person for the winter.
A link to our facebooksite: the video here below you can see some pictures from our surroundings here in the west part of Iceland, litlebit about us & our service.. Have a look !!!
Óskum gleðilegra jóla og farsældar á komandi ári
God Jul Och Ett Gott Nytt År God Jul, Gledelig Jul Hyvaa joulua Gledhilig jol og eydnurikt nyggjar! Merry Christmas Glædelig Jul Ætla reyna breyta út af vananum og gera smá jólakort. Hér kemur jólakortið í ár í aðeins öðruvísi útgáfu en vant er. Endilega horfið á videoið hér að neðan og Gleðileg jól.
Á þessum tíma fyrir ári vorum við á fullu að byggja upp hesthúsið sem hafði verið notað sem svínahús áður. Það var ansi mikil vinna og komu margir góðir að við uppbygginguna sem er þó ekki lokið að fullu, þó komin ansi góð mynd á það. Sjá myndir af nýja hesthúsinu að Stafholtsveggjum :)
Í ár hafa Vestlendingar tekið mikið að sér og verður komandi ár líklega viðburðarríkt fyrir okkur Vestlendinga. En fyrir þá sem ekki vita þá verður næsta sumar fjórðungsmót á Kaldármelum. Húnvetningum og Skagfirðingum verður boðið að taka þátt í mótinu eins og á síðasta fjórðungsmót sem gerir umgjörðina og hestakostinn að sjálfsögðu öflugri fyrir vikið.
Ekki nóg með að Vestlendingar hafi tekið að sér að halda fjórðungsmót, heldur tóku hestamannafélögið Faxi í samstarfi við hestamannafélagið Skugga að sér að halda Íslandsmót. Mikið, skemmtilegt og óvenjulegt sumar fyrir höndum því mörg ár eru liðin frá því að íslandsmót hefur verið haldið á Vesturlandi. Lít ég á þetta sem tækifæri fyrir okkur Vestlendinga að vinna vel að því að byggja upp öflugt og gott framtíðarkeppnissvæði, þannig nú er bara að spíta í lófana og....
Hvetjum sem flesta sem eiga áhugaverð hross út í haga að taka þau inn, koma þeim í þjálfun eða í form og mæta sterk til leiks á komandi sumri !!! Þannig að mót sumarsins verði sem glæsilegust og sýni allan þann glæsilega hestakost sem í boði er.
Good traininghorses
Styttist í jólin... Beautiful sunrise in the morning.....
Sólarupprásin að Stafholtsveggjum var falleg í morgunsárið.
On the picture is Agnar and Dofri f.Steinnesi in group of four year old stallions on a breedingshow in Kaldármelar...
Finally homepage again !!
It is always nice to see horses that we have been training are doing well after they get a new owner. One of them is Hrímnir f.Ósi. We had Hrímnir in training when he was four and five years old. You could then really she what a genious this horse was. He did well at his first breedingshow but after the second year when he was showed in group of five year old stallions he got more strength to do more and ended up with great notes in breeding...
9,5- 9,5- 5- 9- 9- 9- 8,5 = 8,49 for gaits.
This picture is taken when Hrímnir got those notes only five years old. Rider is Agnar Þór Magnússon. .
Two years later Hrímnir was in A-finals in B-flokkur in landsmót. And became a icelandic champion in fourgait.
Our site has been down for a while. But now it is fixed again and news can start to fload ;)
We have been braking in young horses, working with some older ones, taking hair of the sheeps, training dogs, writing articles, teaching our young girl, selling horses and so on.
We sold our young four year old stallion Aragon f. Lambanesi. Aragon is very promising young stallion that wil probably and hopefully be showed again both in breeding and for competitions. Aragon will fly to Germany tomorrow i think. We congratulate new owners with this great horse!
We took our 3year old stallions for only month now, and we look very much forward to take them in again. We have one son of Elding f.Lambanesi and Forseti f.Vorsabæ, one son of Kiljan f.Steinnesi and Sveifla f.Lambanesi and one out of Glampi f.Vatnsleysu son and HöfðaGusts daughter.
This picture is of our young stallion out of Elding and Forseti. The picture was taken when he was two year old.
Svikahrappur f. Borganesi, the black one was in group of 5 year stallion. He did very well and expressed himself well in landsmót
We went to a competition in Miðfossar and got some awards ;) One of the mare that we had with us to the competition was chosen from the judges to be the best mare on that competition. Those award are given after one of the judge try out some of the competitionhorses. This award is called Glettubikarinn.
I got graduatet from the Agricultural University of Iceland this year :) Many of us that graduated dressed up in the Icelandic national custume. So now I have a B.Sc. - degree in Agricultural Sciences.
Finally new homepage!!! It will to beginn with be in international language and with the time in some other/s to.
Horses for sale |
Geldings |
Mares |
Stallions |
Young horses |
Sold horses |
Horsetraining |
Pictures & infos |
Other service |
Riding tours |
Border Collie |
Verktakavinna |
Skiptimarkaður |
Riding lessons |
Lessons & courses |
About us |